Fungicide Tri-pak
Fungicide Tri-pak
The Fungicide Tri-pak comes standard on every unit of Seedex seed.
Metlock + Rizolex + Kabina = Multiple Modes of Action
- Metlock (Metconazole) seed treatment provides contact and systemic control, with “inside-out” protection against sugarbeet diseases, including Rhizoctonia.
- Rizolex (Toclofos-Methyl) is a contact fungicide seed treatment for unrivaled protection against Rhizoctonia damping-off plus Fusarium and other soil-borne and seedling-borne diseases.
- Kabina ST (Penthiopyrad) is a fungicide seed treatment that provides early season control of Rhizoctonia seedling disease.
The Tri-pak Delivers:
- Protection against Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Pythium, and other seedling diseases and strains of diseases.
- Increases the window of opportunity for timely application of a foliar fungicide like Quadris.
- Protects with both contact and systemic activity.
- Reduce and delay possible development of fungicide resistance by combining three fungicides with varying:
- Modes of action
- Solubility
- Levels of activity on different pests